Monday, 20 January 2014

Coping with a Crying Baby

Having a baby who seems to cry all the time can be a soul-destroying experience. You want so much to make her happy, but you just don't seem to be able to.
It doesn't help matters that the time babies cry the most — during the first three months — is also the time when you may be feeling your least confident about being a parent. If you can, try and hang on to the thought that the crying phase will pass (it will).

Almost all parents at some point find that their baby's crying becomes too much. If this happens to you, and you feel you just can't cope any more, put your baby gently in a safe place and go into another room for a few minutes. Then try one or more of the following:

close your eyes and take several deep breaths. Some people also find it helps to imagine themselves in a peaceful place
• count to ten (or 100, if you're very wound up)
• turn on the radio or television so that you can't hear the baby crying
• shout at the wall (it's better than shouting at the baby) or sing loudly
• punch, shake or throw a pillow
• phone a friend and let your feelings out. When you feel calmer, go back to your baby and give her a cuddle.

These are short-term solutions. If you find you're getting stressed every day because of your baby's crying, see if you can arrange for someone else to look after the baby for a couple of hours so you can. have a break.

If you're getting desperate, talk to your health visitor or GR

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